Multisensory Math
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Marilyn Zecher is an instructor and workshop presenter. Below is a quick list of Marilyn Zecher's services. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.

Using a multi-sensory teaching approach means helping a child to learn through more than one of the senses. Teaching in most schools is done using either sight or hearing (auditory sensations). The child's sight is used in reading information, looking at diagrams or pictures, or reading what is on the teacher's board. The sense of hearing is used in listening to what the teacher says. A child with dyslexia may experience difficulties with either or both of these senses. The child's vision may be affected by difficulties with tracking, visual processing or seeing the words become fuzzy or move around. The child's hearing may be satisfactory on a hearing test, but auditory memory or auditory processing may be weak.  

Nationally Certified Academic Therapist
Nationally Recognized Speaker/Presenter
Trained in Orton-Gillingham Instructional Techniques
Offering Workshops and Classes
Multisensory Math I and II
Multisensory Classroom Strategies
Multisensory Algebra
English and Written Language
Spanish for the LD Student
Study Skills
Multisensory Instruction Across the Curriculum
Senior Staff at The Atlantic Seaboard Dyslexia Education Center, Rockville, MD

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